San Diego InfraGard Members,
On behalf of the San Diego InfraGard Member Alliance board of directors, we hope your 2025 is off to a healthy, invigorating start. Our board of directors ended 2024 with two strategy sessions for our work forward in 2025. One major focus of which we are enthusiastic is the ongoing build-out of our Sector Chief Program, a critical component within InfraGard. A reminder that the Sector Chiefs are paramount to each of the sixteen sectors’ contributions and the success of the InfraGard program as a whole.
As the InfraGard program structure mirrors the structure of the Department of Homeland Security for a whole-of-community approach to protecting critical infrastructure while interacting with value-add with our government partners, we strive to achieve meaningful engagement through our membership within each sector.
In brief, the Sector Chief role for each sector champions information flow within their sector, recruitment within their sector, identification of evolving risks, vulnerabilities and threats related to their sector, and build-out of effective events (e.g., facilitated discussions, subject matter expert speakers, tabletop exercises) and requests for information through a feedback loop with the FBI. We are excited about a new program in its final phases of development whereby the Sector Chiefs will engage with Intelligence Analysts, Special Agents, and program leads within the FBI to assist the FBI in fulfilling their intelligence gaps and answering to national and regional collection requirements. At the same time, this new program will be a tool by which the FBI informs sectors about associated priorities and areas of concern and challenges for the FBI.
Please access the “Sectors” tab at the top of this page for more information about each critical infrastructure sector and the current vacancies for Sector Chiefs. For each sector, we also aim to identify co-Sector Chief so each sector has two like individuals who can share the roles and responsibilities and ensure succession planning.
If you are interested in becoming a Sector Chief, please contact me at and/or don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions (858) 245-4910.
Matt Brown
InfraGard San Diego
A FBI-affiliated 501(c)3 Organization
In an effort to support the protection of the critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR), the chapter is organized into 16 critical infrastructure sectors. This provides focus for the membership on the issues of CIKR and the unique characteristics and conditions of each sector.